Highlands Announcements
Keep up with what’s new at Highlands Church of the Cumberlands in Jamestown, TN.
Current Announcements
Attention Highlands Church Family
Due to the dropping temperatures and inclement weather, we have decided to cancel today’s service. Your safety is our top priority, and we want to ensure that everyone can travel safely without concern for road or parking lot conditions.
We pray that you have a blessed Sunday! We encourage you to catch one of our previous sermons on our website at highlandschurchtn.org !
Stay safe, and we look forward to worshiping with you Wednesday!
January 14th – January 21st Announcements
We’re excited to share that we have moved to a new online giving software called Subsplash. If you are currently giving online, we need your help to move with us and update your recurring tithe with our new service. The new platform is designed to be convenient, easy, and secure for one-time and recurring donations. You will simply need to set up a new login the first time you use it. As always, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the church office at 931-879-6177. Thank you for your faithful and continued support. The link to the new giving form is live on the website and church app. Click here for a direct payment link.
Daily Portion Meeting-
There will be a meeting to discuss the need for Daily Portion’s presence at the new warming center in Jamestown following service on Wednesday. Please be sure to attend this meeting and join us along with other churches and organizations to assist those in need of a warm shelter during these low temperatures! The meeting will take place in the sanctuary immediately after service.
Highlands Kids News:
Save the date! The Highlands Kids LUNCH AND TRAINING DAY is Sunday, January 26th, after service. This is a luncheon, awards program, and training for everyone who is already part of HK, or would like to be. If you would like to serve, please be sure to return your application! If you currently serve or would like to serve, you MUST sign up at the HK desk.
All HK families are invited to serve once a month in their child’s class! Pick up a “Yes” card at the HK desk for more info.
Starting in January, we have NEW AGE RANGES on SUNDAYS in our HK classes:
HK1- ages 0 to 2
HK2 – ages 3-6
HK3 – ages 7-12
Wednesdays age ranges remain: HK1 ages 0-5, HK3 ages 6-12
The next meeting of YAH, Young Adults Highlands, will meet on Saturday, January 18th at 5:30 pm at Dairy Queen, in downtown Jamestown for fun and fellowship!
Basket Weaving Class Update – Larissa Buck’s Basket Weaving class will not meet in January. Next class will be on Thursday, February 20.
Project Bible Runners- The Bagwell family will be traveling up north to deliver Bibles to our friends with Project Bible Runners. If you have extra Bibles you’d like to donate for delivery worldwide, please drop them in the bin by the admin office. We collect Bibles year-round for this ministry, so if you come across any at a yard sale or thrift store, we’d love to pass them along to the Sweitzer family for this impactful mission. For more information about Project Bible Runners, click the link below: Our Story — Project Bible Runners
Volunteer Opportunities: We’re growing and NEED faithful volunteers in EVERY DEPARTMENT! Join us in serving our Heavenly Father and His people! We hope to have enough volunteers so that each of us only has to serve once a month.
Service Opportunities:
- Highlands Kids: Do you have a passion for children? See Ami Watson or the HK Info Desk for more information about becoming a teacher or helper! Or register to attend the upcoming luncheon on January 26th!
- Cafe: Do you enjoy cooking, baking, or cleaning? See Tricia Kirsch or the Info Table for more information!
- Sound, Media & Lighting: Are you tech-driven and passionate about sound, media, and production? See Allen Kirsch or the Info Table for more information!
- Parking Team: Interested in joining our parking team? See Bob Calise, Bill Brainard, or the Info Table for more information!
- Communion: See Mary Partridge if you are interested in helping serve communion!
- Maintenance: See Phil Partridge if you are interested in helping with some of the upcoming maintenance projects we have here at the church!
- Greeters: See Donna Brainard or the Info Table for more information to get involved with our greeting team!
If you’re ready to serve or have a skill but aren’t sure where to start, stop by the admin office or contact a department leader. You can shadow with no commitment required! Let’s grow together!
PRAYER REQUESTS & PRAISE REPORTS: If you have a prayer request, a praise report, a death in your family, or an encouraging word, please email highlandsprayers@gmail.com.
- There is a form to request prayer on the website here:https://www.highlandschurchtn.org/prayer-request/.
- You may also join the closed Highlands Community Facebook page, and post and share prayer requests here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/highlandschurchcommunity
- *If the prayer request concerns anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission before sharing.
GENERAL QUESTIONS & APPOINTMENT REQUESTS: If you need to approve/share an announcement, request an appointment, or have general questions, please email Seth at highlandscotc@gmail.com.
10:00 AM Worship & Word: Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.
9:00 AM Hot Breakfast in the Cafe: Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!
8:30 AM Prayer in Sanctuary: This is a time for quiet, private prayer. Please refrain from conversations in the sanctuary during this time.
6:00 PM Worship & Word: Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.
5:00 PM Dinner in the Cafe: Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!
4:30 PM Prayer in Sanctuary: This is a time for quiet, private prayer.
HIGHLANDERS STUDENTS (ages 13 through 12th grade): On Wednesdays, the youth meet immediately after worship in the HK3 classroom.
HIGHLANDS KIDS CHURCH (12 years and under): Children’s Church is available on Sundays & Wednesdays. Children are dismissed from the sanctuary after Worship. Please ensure your child/children are with you when they’re not in class. Thank you!
COMMUNITY GROUPS: We have many different Community Groups within Highlands that meet on a weekly/monthly basis. We’d love it if you’d join us! Please visit this link to sign up or learn more, or see Diana Douglass with questions
Church, we will have a pot-luck at noon THIS Sunday, Jan. 12th, so bring a dish to share if possible.
Our worship and Word in the sanctuary will begin at 1 pm. Thankfully, warmer temps and sunshine should make for safer travels. We can’t wait to be back together!
Please use your discretion and if unable to attend, join us online for worship and Word, 1 pm CT.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/highlandscotc
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEyhKY_-0TbbW_uYm-tYohw
Or, go to website, highlandschurchtn.org, and choose “Watch/Listen” in menu!
Important Update
Due to the current weather conditions, we have decided to cancel tonight’s Wednesday night church service.
Please stay safe, stay warm, and take care of your loved ones. We look forward to worshiping together again soon!
No service this morning due to inclement weather. Everyone stay safe!
Merry Christmas!
There will be no service on Wednesday, December 25. Please enjoy celebrating with your families! We wish you and your family a season filled with joy, peace, and the love of Christ. May His light shine brightly in your hearts as we celebrate the gift of our Savior. Thank you for being part of our church family. We pray blessings to you this Christmas and always! We look forward to seeing you Sunday, December 29th, for service!
DON’T MISS OUR FIRST SERVICE OF 2025 ON Wednesday, January 1st! We will kick off the New Year’s with a party! Join us for a New Year’s Dinner and Celebration at 5 pm. This will be followed by a special service and message from Pastor Jason, setting the tone for our year ahead. And wrapping up with… Baptisms! Come celebrate with us! If you are not already signed up for Baptism and would like to be included, look for the signup sheet in the foyer.
We’re excited to share that we are moving to a new online giving software called Subsplash for 2025. If you are currently giving online, we need your help to make the move with us and update your recurring tithe with our new service. The new platform is designed to be convenient, easy, and secure for one-time and recurring donations. You will simply need to set up a new login the first time you use it. As always, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the church office at 931-879-6177.
Thank you for your faithful and continued support. The link to the new giving form will be live on the website and church app soon. https://www.highlandschurchtn.org/give/
Chrysalis is scheduled for January 2nd-4th, 2025, at the Crossville First Methodist Church. Highlands is inviting letters of support for the following: Caleb Jeffers, age 18, sponsored by Larissa and Chip Buck; Kaden Mundy, age 16, sponsored by Ron Chapin; and Drew Wright, age 18, sponsored by Timothy King. There is a letter collection box outside the sanctuary, or you can hand your letter to their sponsor. The deadline for dropping off letters at the church is Wednesday, January 1st.
Project Bible Runners- The Bagwell family will be traveling up north to deliver Bibles to our friends with Project Bible Runners. If you have extra Bibles you’d like to donate for delivery worldwide, please drop them in the bin by the admin office. We collect Bibles year-round for this ministry, so if you come across any at a yard sale or thrift store, we’d love to pass them along to the Sweitzer family for this impactful mission. For more information about Project Bible Runners, click the link below: Our Story — Project Bible Runners
Volunteer Opportunities: We’re growing and need faithful volunteers in every department! Join us in serving our Heavenly Father and His people! We hope to have enough volunteers so that each of us only has to serve once a month.
Service Opportunities:
- Highlands Kids: Do you have a passion for children? See Ami Watson or the HK Info Desk for more information about becoming a teacher or helper!
- Cafe: Do you enjoy cooking, baking, or cleaning? See Tricia Kirsch or the Info Table for more information!
- Sound, Media & Lighting: Are you tech-driven and passionate about sound, media, and production? See Allen Kirsch or the Info Table for more information!
- Parking Team: Interested in joining our parking team? See Bob Calise, Bill Brainard, or the Info Table for more information!
- Communion: See Mary Partridge if you are interested in helping serve communion!
- Maintenance: See Phil Partridge if you are interested in helping with some of the upcoming maintenance projects we have here at the church!
- Greeters: See Donna Brainard or the Info Table for more information to get involved with our greeting team!
If you’re ready to serve or have a skill but aren’t sure where to start, stop by the admin office or contact a department leader. You can shadow with no commitment required! Let’s grow together!
Save the date! The Highlands Kids Lunch and Training Day is Sunday, January 26th, after service. Training is for those signed up and serving in HK. If you would like to serve, please be sure to return your application! If you currently serve or would like to serve, you MUST sign up at the HK desk.
Highlands Church of the Cumberlands Cookbook – Feeding the Flockis available for $10 at the HK Desk. The cookbook has nearly 200 recipes from our Highlands cooks. All funds benefit Highlands Kids!
PRAYER REQUESTS & PRAISE REPORTS: If you have a prayer request, a praise report, a death in your family, or an encouraging word, please email highlandsprayers@gmail.com.
- There is a form to request prayer on the website here: https://www.highlandschurchtn.org/prayer-request/.
- You may also join the closed Highlands Community Facebook page, and post and share prayer requests here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/highlandschurchcommunity
- *If the prayer request concerns anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission before sharing.
GENERAL QUESTIONS & APPOINTMENT REQUESTS: If you need to approve/share an announcement, request an appointment, or have general questions, please email Seth at highlandscotc@gmail.com.
10:00 AM Worship & Word: Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.
9:00 AM Hot Breakfast in the Cafe: Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!
8:30 AM Prayer in Sanctuary: This is a time for quiet, private prayer. Please refrain from conversations in the sanctuary during this time.
6:00 PM Worship & Word: Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.
5:00 PM Dinner in the Cafe: Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!
4:30 PM Prayer in Sanctuary: This is a time for quiet, private prayer.
HIGHLANDERS STUDENTS (ages 13 through 12th grade): On Wednesdays, the youth meet immediately after worship in the HK3 classroom.
HIGHLANDS KIDS CHURCH (12 years and under): Children’s Church is available on Sundays & Wednesdays. Children are dismissed from the sanctuary after Worship. Please ensure your child/children are with you when they’re not in class. Thank you!
COMMUNITY GROUPS: We have many different Community Groups within Highlands that meet on a weekly/monthly basis. We’d love it if you’d join us! Please visit this link to sign up or learn more, or see Diana Douglass with questions.