This Week’s Announcements

March 4-11 Announcements Wednesday Night Service Our expository study of the book of Romans continues this Wednesday. Don’t miss it! Griefshare Suppor Group Starts Soon Griefshare, a 13-week Support Group for anyone dealing with loss, will begin NEXT WEEK, on Thursday, March 13th at Highlands at 6 pm. For more information, a sign up sheet is in foyer, or […]

Important! Service Times for this Sunday

Church, we will have a pot-luck at noon THIS Sunday, Jan. 12th, so bring a dish to share if possible.Our worship and Word in the sanctuary will begin at 1 pm. Thankfully, warmer temps and sunshine should make for safer travels. We can’t wait to be back together! Please use your discretion and if unable […]

Dec. 24-31 News

Merry Christmas! There will be no service on Wednesday, December 25. Please enjoy celebrating with your families! We wish you and your family a season filled with joy, peace, and the love of Christ. May His light shine brightly in your hearts as we celebrate the gift of our Savior. Thank you for being part of […]

Dec. 17-24 News

Merry Christmas! We wish you and your family a season filled with joy, peace, and the love of Christ. May His light shine brightly in your hearts as we celebrate the gift of our Savior. Thank you for being part of our church family, we pray blessings to you this Christmas and always!  Highlands Christmas […]

Dec. 11-18 News

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Rotary Club Christmas Parade! This year we had two floats; Highlands had a float titled “From the Manger to the Cross,” and the Creation Station had one titled “Dino-Night Before Christmas,” which won second place.  Basket Weaving Class. Larissa’s basket weaving class is scheduled for Thursday, December […]

Dec. 4-11 News

Thank you to everyone who supported the HK Christmas Bazaar.  The event has raised more than $2,300 so far. Thanks to the 21 amazing vendors, volunteers, donors, food preparers (John Wheeler for his pulled pork and Wade Delk for his chili), and everyone who worked so hard to make this a success! The proceeds will […]

Nov. 26-Dec. 3 News

REMINDER: NO SERVICES ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27TH Thanksgiving Dressing Preparation- If you have signed up to bake a pan of dressing, please be sure to drop them off at the Methodist Church at 9 am on Thursday.  Didn’t sign up to bring dressing? Highlands Church volunteers are needed to prepare meals at 6 pm on Wednesday night […]

Nov. 19-26 News

Daily Portions Laundry Outreach – The latest Highlands Church Daily Portions Outreach assisted over 150 residents last Saturday afternoon. The main attraction was prepaid laundry and detergent, with more than 80 loads donated to those in need. Our food station behind the Union Bank blessed those in need with homemade sandwiches and sides, hot soup, drinks, […]

Nov. 3-10 News

NEW! Daily Portions Laundry Outreach – Saturday, November 16th, Noon to 4 pm. We will be serving those in need in the community by prepaying for their laundry, as well as providing the love and care, food and services that a Daily Portion outreach is known for. We will set up a food station behind […]