GRIEFSHARE is happening now! Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? Whether your loss is recent, or years ago, this proven Christ-based program lovingly walks you through the healing process. Featuring an updated curriculum, this 13-week program helps you overcome unprocessed grief. There is a $20 one-time fee for the workbook. For specific questions, contact the lead facilitator, Phil LeMaitre,, or see the sign-up sheet in the foyer. Note: This course is open to the community, if you know someone in need, please invite them. 

BASKET WEAVING CLASS, Thursday, September 26th On Thursday, September 26, you can create a beautiful basket! Starting at 4 pm at the church. The sign-up sheet is in the foyer or see Larissa Buck. There is a $40 materials fee. (This class was rescheduled from August.)


Knowing God’s Character Have you ever wondered why God seems to have one personality or character in the Old Covenant and an entirely different personality or character in the New? Which one is REALLY His character? We will explore this and more in a new community group. While initially planned for 13 weeks, we will move at the pace of the Holy Spirit. Although we will use a couple of sources, the leading book will be “God is Good: He’s Better Than You Think” by Bill Johnson. Maureen Gower will host the group at her home. We hope to see you there! We must know our Father’s character to fully walk our inheritance. When: 6 pm Thursdays, Starting October 10, 2024 Facilitator: Maureen Gower.  SIGN UP at church, or sign up using the Church Planning Center App

Answers to Important Questions! Be equipped to answer tough questions about faith and life through the Answers to Important Questions course with Barry Bennett. This renowned Bible scholar digs deep into the Word to help you understand and defend your faith. He addresses questions like:

Featuring video, worksheets and a transcript of each presentation.
When: 6 pm Fridays, Starting October 18, 2024 Facilitator: Ron Chapin
SIGN UP at church, or sign up using the Church Planning Center App

Destined to Reign Learn about the Finished Work of Christ! Since it was first published in 2007, Destined to Reign has reached more than half a million people, been translated into 19 languages, and has helped thousands break free from their addictions and destructive lifestyles.

You’ll discover for yourself:

Materials: Book Available for Cost of Shipping here.

Facilitator: Diana Douglass Mondays @ 6 pm starting October 14, 2024

IMPORTANT! SERVE SEPTEMBER: Many of our departments here at Highlands are in need of volunteers. Are you interested in serving but aren’t sure about making the commitment? You can shadow a member of the Highlands team with no commitment necessary to see if that particular ministry is right for you! We need volunteers in Highlands Kids, Highlands Cafe, and the Highlands Parking Team. If you’re interested in potentially serving in one of these departments, see the corresponding team leader before or after service. 

Highlands Kids – Ami Watson
Highlands Cafe – Tricia Kirsch
Highlands Parking Team – Bob Calise or Bill Brainard

IMPORTANT! O.C.C. (Operation Christmas Child): This month, let’s bring in hair products: combs, brushes, hair bows, etc.  This year our goal is to fill 1,000 boxes! If you would like to purchase a case of 50 boxes, you can do so for only $40! We could also use some helping hands to assist Carol Watson with this ministry project! For more information or to purchase a case of boxes, please see Carol.


Fields of Faith- October 9th at 6pm We will not be having service on Wednesday, October 9th, so we can join our community at Fields of Faith. We encourage you to join us and other changes in the community. Be sure to bring a blanket or a lawn chair. 


REMINDER! BEFORE & AFTER SERVICE: Please do not allow your children to be unattended before and after services. Also, please don’t let them use the restrooms alone. We request this for the safety of your kids and the church. Thank you for your understanding! 

Note: We are looking for volunteers who can rotate watching the kids before service. If you are interested in helping, please see the HK Desk or contact Seth or Diana. 

NEW! HIGHLANDS KIDS ZOO TRIP: Highlands Kids will be taking a trip to the Zoo! For more information, or to sign up, see the sign-up sheet by the HK welcome desk.

CONTACT HIGHLANDS: PRAYER REQUESTS & PRAISE REPORTS: If you have a prayer request, a praise report, a death in your family, or an encouraging word, please email There is a form to request prayer on the web site here: You can also join the closed Highlands Community Facebook page, and post and share prayer requests there:

*If the prayer request concerns anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission before sharing. 

COMMUNITY GROUPS ASSISTANCE: If you have any questions about Community Groups at Highlands, please contact Diana at

GENERAL QUESTIONS & APPOINTMENT REQUESTS: If you need to approve/share an announcement, request an appointment, or have general questions, please email Seth at


10:00 AM Worship & Word: Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.
9:00 AM Hot Breakfast in the Cafe: Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!
8:30 AM Prayer in Sanctuary: This is a time for quiet, private prayer. Please refrain from conversations in the sanctuary during this time.

6:00 PM Worship & Word: Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.
5:00 PM Dinner in the Cafe: Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!
4:30 PM Prayer in Sanctuary: This is a time for quiet, private prayer. 

HIGHLANDERS STUDENTS (ages 13 through 12th grade): On Wednesdays, we meet immediately after worship in the HK3 classroom.

HIGHLANDS KIDS CHURCH (12 years and under): Children’s Church is available on Sundays & Wednesdays. Children are dismissed from the sanctuary after Worship. Please ensure your child/children are with you when they’re not in class. Thank you! 

COMMUNITY GROUPS:  We have many different Community Groups within Highlands that meet on a weekly/monthly basis. We’d love it if you’d join us! Please visit this link to sign up or learn more, or see Diana Douglass with questions.