We will NOT be having Wed. evening meals at this time. We will keep you updated when we reevaluate and plan to begin again. Thank you for your understanding. We will possibly host an evening Wed. meal once a month in the near future.
GIVING STATEMENTS ARE READY. You may pick them up from the basket in the HCOTC entry or contact Marcia via email at, highlandscotc@gmail.com or 931-879-6177.
WORSHIP/WORD: Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. The cafe will be open at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday. Wednesday Family Night Live starts at 6:00 p.m. (NO Wed. meal.) TIME OF PRAYER: Join us for prayer in the sanctuary Wednesdays, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Please respect individuals’ quiet, contemplative time of prayer and reserve conversations for outside the sanctuary.
HK PRACTICE THIS SUNDAY, FEB. 13: Immediately after church, we will have a luncheon and practice with our Highlands kids, which will last approximately one hour. This is in preparation for our HK-led Sunday worship service on Feb. 20th. Children that are 4-12 years old will NOT need to be picked up until AFTER practice. Ages 0-3 are welcomed to practice as well, however, a parent/guardian will need to stay with them for the duration of lunch and practice.
SWEETHEART SUPER BOWL: Our plans for the HCOTC Sweetheart Dinner collided with the Super Bowl this year…SO, we’re going to change it up a bit and make the most of the opportunity for fun and fellowship. Join us at 5 p.m. on Sun., Feb. 13th for our Sweetheart Super Bowl Celebration! Bring your fav Super Bowl snacks and drinks to share(and don’t forget your sweetheart, if you have one…otherwise, come on out and let’s fellowship together).
PRAY for CHINA: “While China’s government will use the Olympic Games for propaganda, Christians around the world will use them in a different way, as a daily reminder to pray for Christians in China. Click the link below to add your name to those who have committed to pray for persecuted Christians in China each day during the Winter Olympic Games, which begin on Feb. 4”…and close on Feb. 20. – The Voice of the Martyrs – https://www.prayforchina2022.com/?_source_code=EM22A9A
“SABINA; TORTURED FOR CHRIST” movie event, MARCH 6TH: Save the date! We will be sharing this VERY special, new movie that tells the story of The Voice of the Martyrs founders, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand. This is a free movie event and all are welcomed! We will have light refreshments in our cafe at 5:30 p.m., with the movie beginning in the sanctuary at 6 p.m., Sun. March 6th!
HARVESTING PRAISE, MARCH 12th: YOUTH (13-19 years old), save the date, Sat., March 12th, we’re hosting Harvesting Praise at Highlands! It will be an awesome time of ministry and goodness! We will begin at 11 a.m. (to 6 p.m.) and have a wonderful lunch that afternoon. There will be breakout sessions, games, icebreakers, praise and worship, and Word! This special event is for the teens of our community…it is about unity, outreach, love, and fellowship…but number one, it’s about Christ and sharing what He’s done for us! Pick up flyers at HCOTC to share or contact Marcia in our front office.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Please get started early and take advantage of those clearance sales. We want to focus on anything educational, first-aid kits, small sewing kits, and personal hygiene (NO liquids).
CAFE NEEDS YOUR HELP: We always need extra, loving, serving, smiling helpers in our cafe. If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry, please see Marcia.
HK DEPT. NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Thank you to those that have committed to joining the team and helping with HK. We STILL NEED additional teachers and helpers, plus welcome desk volunteers on Sundays and Wednesdays!
HIGHLANDS KIDS TEAM TRAINING/BREAKFAST: On hold until spring! Stay tuned for a future date.
COMMUNITY GROUPS: Check out the board on the wall (by cafe) to see these awesome opportunities.
- Diana Douglass: Mondays, 6 p.m. in the cafe at Highlands, new topic, The Believers Authority, using book by Kenneth Hagin.
- Marcia Lee, new “over 55” singles group: The Greatest thing in the world, ‘Walking in Love’ by Henry Drummond; Friday nights, 6 p.m., in the Cafe’ at Highlands; underway now, never too late to join in!
- Kim Gove, new ladies group: ‘Effortless Change’, by Andrew Wommack; underway now; Tuesdays, 9 a.m., at 504 Mae Dr. Jamestown; contact Kim: 931-704-4544
- Chris and Jeff Hughey: Started, January 13, 5:30 p.m., 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. Jamestown, Tn; new book: A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Don’t miss Celebrate Recovery each Sunday, 5 p.m., at Highlands. If you aren’t familiar with this incredible recovery group, please reach out to Billy Webb for additional information.
IMPORTANT RESOURCES: If you are not familiar with Truth & Liberty Coalition, please visit their site and check out the vast, invaluable resources they offer. Their Biblical worldview site features a 24/7 news feed, commentaries, press releases, voting tools, prayer guides, etc. This resource is imperative for believers today. Also, an additional resource that may be very helpful for you is Liberty Counsel, Liberty Counsel.
HIGHLANDS WEAR: If you would like to purchase t-shirts and/or sweatshirts, visit www.highlandschurchtn.org,
PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests for the prayer team (ie. death in your family; a testimony; a word; or any other announcements, pending approval), send them to highlandscotc@gmail.com. If the prayer request is pertaining to anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission prior to sharing.