FENTRESS COUNTY CHURCH at the FAIR: Wednesday, August 7th, 6:00pm
“A Good Night Out!”, with Christian artist Jason Crabb and comedian Mickey Bell at the Fentress County Fairground’s main arena. You won’t want to miss it. There will be no regular Wed. evening activities at HCOTC on Aug. 7th. 

RIVER BAPTISMS, Sunday, August 18th, 3PM
We will have a special baptism at the Wolf River, York Park, 2609 North York Hwy, Pall Mall. Bring a dessert to share! We’ll share refreshing beverages and desserts as we fellowship together after baptism wraps up!  

We will also have our 10 a.m. Sunday morning celebration at HCOTC that day! We hope to see you for both! 

We know Highlands has some fantastic cooks, and everyone loves to eat! With that in mind, we are excited to announce that we are working to create a Highlands Kids (HK) Cookbook! We would love to have your favorite recipes!  Anything from your go-to meal, tastiest dessert, or comfort food, if you love it, we want it! Please submit recipes to hkcookbooks2024@gmail.com

Biblical Citizenship Class starts Tuesday, August 13
In this 8-week course, you will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. The class will meet Tuesday evenings at 6 pm in HK3 and be led by facilitators Sue and Nick Augenstein. Participants will learn encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. This class will be edified and equipped to practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America! Materials and videos by Patriot Academy and Turning Point USA. Learn more and sign up at in the Church Center App: https://highlandslife.churchcenter.com/groups/small-groups/biblical-citizenship


Highlands Needs YOU! Please connect with Leah Pepito to discover how YOU can help our community! HVDreamTeam@gmail.com

HK TEAM OPPORTUNITIES: Highlands Kids Ministry would love to have you join! Teacher, helpers, kids praise, and worship leaders positions are available! You’ll find applications at the HK welcome desk.

HOSPITALITY: Please watch announcements for future hospitality/meal train links as needs within our body arise. 

O.C.C. (Operation Christmas Child): This month, let’s get into outdoor activities! We need jump ropes, beach balls, and small balls. We also need things to make fishing kits, like lures, fishing lines, sinkers, and hooks. Also, if you want to help directly with O.C.C., please contact Carol Watson. 


FREE, DESTINED TO REIGN BOOK (limited time!): Pastor Jason highly recommends and references the Destined to Reign book by Joseph Prince. It is currently available on their website for only $5 shipping. Find it here: Destined to Reign FREE!


PLAYGROUND: It’s that time of year again. Please ALWAYS have an adult present when playing on the Highlands’ playground. Also, please ensure your child/children are with you when they’re not in class. Thank you! 

BEFORE & AFTER SERVICE: Please do not let your kids be unattended before 

and after Kids Services. Also, please don’t let your young children use the restrooms alone. We request this for the safety of your kids and the church. Thank you for your understanding! *We are looking for volunteers who can rotate watching the kids before service and HK start. If you are interested in helping, please see the HK Desk or contact Leah Pepito at HVDreamTeam@gmail.com



10:00 AM Worship & Word;  Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.

9:00 AM Hot Breakfast in the Cafe; Everyone is welcome; donations are appreciated!

8:30 AM Prayer in Sanctuary;  This is a time for quiet, private prayer. Please refrain from conversations in the sanctuary during this time.


6:00 PM Worship & Word;  Join us for a time of worship & a dynamic, biblically-based sermon.

5:00 PM Dinner in the Cafe;  Everyone welcome; donations are appreciated!

4:30 PM Prayer in Sanctuary;  This is a time for quiet, private prayer. 

HIGHLANDERS STUDENTS (ages 13 through 12th grade): On Wednesdays, we meet immediately after worship in the HK3 classroom.

HIGHLANDS KIDS CHURCH (12 years and under): Children’s Church is available on Sundays & Wednesdays. Children are dismissed from the sanctuary after Worship. Please ensure your child/children are with you when they’re not in class. Thank you! 

COMMUNITY GROUPS:  We have many different Community Groups within Highlands that meet on a weekly/monthly basis. We’d love it if you’d join us! Please visit this link to sign up or learn more, or see Diana Douglass with questions. 


PRAYER REQUESTS & PRAISE REPORTS: If you have a prayer request, a praise report, a death in your family, or an encouraging word, please email Shannon at HighlandsPrayers@gmail.com and/or join our Facebook Prayer Group. 
*If the prayer request concerns anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission before sharing. 

VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCE: If you would like to inquire about volunteering at Highlands or have any questions about serving, you can reach Leah Pepito at HVDreamTeam@gmail.com

COMMUNITY GROUPS ASSISTANCE: If you have any questions about Community Groups at Highlands, please contact Diana at HighlandsGroups@gmail.com

GENERAL QUESTIONS & APPOINTMENT REQUESTS: If you need to approve/share an announcement, request an appointment, or have general questions, please email Marcia at  HighlandsCOTC@gmail.com