MARCH 26TH, FOOD GIVEAWAY: Saturday, March 26th at the Fentress Co. Fairgrounds, there will be a food giveaway and wellness checks (sponsored by Compassion Ministries). The giveaway begins at 10 a.m., but you should arrive early to line up! If you want to help with this special day of ministry, please arrive at 9 a.m. 

HONORING 2022 GRADUATES: If you have a student that is graduating from elementary school (8th grade), high school, or college and they’re part of the Highlands family, please let us know by putting their name and grade on our sign-up sheet at the info table. We would like to acknowledge and pray for them Sunday, May 1st.  

HARVESTING PRAISE RESCHEDULED, APRIL 2ND: YOUTH (13-19 years old), Saturday, March 2nd, we’re hosting Harvesting Praise at Highlands! It will be an awesome time of ministry and goodness! We will begin at 11 a.m., have a wonderful lunch that afternoon, and end at 6 p.m. There will be breakout sessions, games, icebreakers, praise and worship, and Word! Pick up newly-updated flyers or contact Marcia in our front office.  

APRIL 10TH, SAVE the DATE, SPRING CLEANING @ HCOTC: Stay AFTER church for an awesome cook-out and massive, deep clean (we’ll be doing lots of duties that need men and women). If you’ve helped with this before, you know it is SO FUN and the fellowship is priceless!  

HOLY WEEK, SAVE the DATE: Jamestown First United Methodist Church is hosting Holy Week, April 11th-15th, 12 noon to 1 p.m.  Pastor Jason will be sharing that Wednesday and we/HCOTC will be providing the meal. Please sign-up if you are able to help serve or cook! More details to come, mark your calendars!  

SAVE the DATE, CREATION SUNDAY AHEAD: Join us Sunday, April 24th, 10 a.m. as Dr. Glenn Wilson shares the astounding, Biblical and scientific account of creation! Get ready for an incredible Sunday! 

CENTERED DANCE COMPANIES, April 24th, SAVE the DATE: The Centre School of Dance will be with us on Sunday night, April 24th, 6 p.m. You won’t want to miss this very special night of worship and dance as we welcome Centered Companies!  

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD:  Please get started early and take advantage of those clearance sales. We want to focus on anything educational, first-aid kits, small sewing kits, and personal hygiene (NO liquids). 

CAFE NEEDS YOUR HELP:   We always need extra, loving, serving, smiling helpers in our cafe. If you would like to be part of this wonderful ministry, please see Marcia.

HK DEPT. NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Thank you to those that have committed to joining the team and helping with HK. We STILL NEED additional teachers and helpers, plus welcome desk volunteers on Sundays and Wednesdays!  

COMMUNITY GROUPS:  Check out the board on the wall (by cafe) to see the awesome opportunities.

CELEBRATE RECOVERY: Don’t miss Celebrate Recovery each Sunday, 5 p.m., at Highlands. If you aren’t familiar with this incredible recovery group, please reach out to Billy Webb for additional information.

IMPORTANT RESOURCES: If you are not familiar with Truth & Liberty Coalition, please visit their site and check out the vast, invaluable resources they offer. Their Biblical worldview site features a 24/7 news feed, commentaries, press releases, voting tools, prayer guides, etc. This resource is imperative for believers today. Also, an additional resource that may be very helpful for you is Liberty CounselLiberty Counsel.
HIGHLANDS WEAR:  If you would like to purchase t-shirts and/or sweatshirts, visit,   

PRAYER REQUESTS (or something to share): If you have a prayer request for the prayer team, a death in your family, a testimony, encouraging word, or announcement to share, please send them to If the prayer request is pertaining to anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission prior to sharing. 

WORSHIP/WORD:  Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 a.m.  The cafe will be open at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday.  Wednesday Family Night Live starts at 6:00 p.m. Every last Wed. of the month, join us for dinner at 5 p.m

TIME OF PRAYER:  Join us for prayer in the sanctuary Wednesdays, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.  Please respect individuals’ quiet, contemplative time of prayer and reserve conversations for outside the sanctuary.

WED. DINNER REMINDER: Wednesday night dinner happens the LAST Wednesday of every month at 5 p.m. Our next Wednesday evening meal is March 30th.