NEW OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Wednesday 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
CAFE: Closed
WORSHIP/WORD: Sunday worship starts at 10:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY IN PERSON SERVICES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED FOR OCTOBER! View Online on Facebook or YouTube.
EXCITING NEWS: Highlands Church of the Cumberlands is being broadcast on radio and TV on Sunday nights from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Listen on WDEB FM 103.9, watch on Comcast Channel 12 or Twin Lakes Channel 953.
TIME OF PRAYER: Join us for prayer in the sanctuary Wednesdays from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. CANCELLED FOR OCTOBER!
SOCIAL DISTANCING: You can now join us for Sunday service and be comfortable in an area that has been designated for those who wish to practice social distancing. Our greeters will be happy to direct you to the section to the left of the sound booth that has been “roped” off with signage.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in Highlands Kids (HK) Dept.: If you are interested in being a part of our HK team, please fill out a card on the kids’ welcome desk or contact Pastor Ami Watson, 931-397-6732, or . Positions available: Kids Welcome Desk Volunteers (greeting families and signing in children); Teachers (HK2 – ages 4-6); Teacher’s Helper/Assistant.
***UPDATE! Highlands Kids classes: Ages 0-3 years are in HK1 classroom. Make sure all personal items are labeled. Ages 4-12 years are in the HK3 classroom. HK3 entry and pick up is in the cafe. Temperature checks and cleaning hands are required for entry. Please take your child to the bathroom before class starts. There will be a dismissal sign in the sanctuary after offering and announcements. Thanks for being patient during this time.
HONORABLE MANHOOD PROGRAM: What an amazing time our men have been experiencing! We are still receiving incredible comments. Men, fathers, and sons, it is NOT too late to join us for the last two weeks of this amazing series! Mark your calendars if you’re passionate about discovering masculinity as God intended it to be. This Sunday, Nov. 1st, Honorable Manhood will begin at 3 p.m. CDT. Last week’s video will be shown at 2:00 p.m. Please help spread the word!
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: This mission helps spread God’s love and bless His children in a special way. To see how this small blessing can change lives see the videos at Items for November 1st: Any items from previous weeks plus washcloths, stickers, combs, and glue sticks. **Items can be placed in baskets under the table by the announcements. Let us be a light in our community and our world!!!
FENTRESS COUNTY FOOD BANK: Mountain Barn Builders will be constructing a building for the Fentress County Food Bank on Saturday, October 31st, 7 am – 12 noon. Please join them in blessing the food bank with non-perishable food items. You can drop off items until November 14th at Mountain Barn Builders in Clarkrange or Campfire Coffee in Jamestown.
PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have any prayer requests for the prayer team (ie. death in your family, a testimony, a word, or any other announcements-pending approval), send them to If the prayer request is pertaining to anyone other than yourself, please ensure you have that person’s permission prior to sharing.